Sunday, January 6, 2013

A Year In Review

Happy New Year everyone! 
I'm behind on blogs (as usual) and will be filling you in soon about my
 New Year's Eve and Three Kings Day here in España.
First, though, I'd like to share 12 special events from 2012.
It was a year full of so much love, happiness, and new wisdom to propel me forward in life.
I can't thank you all enough for being apart of my year and every day that we continue into the future together.
New Years Eve 2011-2012
Spending my first moments of the year with the greatest friends I could ask for.
Lake Champion- Winter Weekend & sharing in the joy of watching others meet Christ!
Being rewarded for another amazing year of tennis with my tennis sister/doubles partner.

Timber Creek Prom/prom weekend, one of the best nights/weekends EVER! :)
Training and finally running the 4th of July race with Annie!
RockBridge summer camp with an amazing cabin of girls..

And the whirlpool where we almost lost our lives!!! haha

So many baptisms- Heather, Trey, Mom, and Me.

Saying goodbye to one family...
and Hello to another.

Meeting this girl thousands of miles away from our homes.
And finishing it all up by spending December 30th on the Mediterranean.
All that and so much more... 2012 was an awesome year but 2013 is going to be even better!!

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