Saturday, April 27, 2013

To Be In The Best Company

How long have I been living with this host family? Three weeks, maybe? All I know is that I've fallen completely in love with them, and this year is coming to such a meaningful end.

After school yesterday I received letters from two of my good friends. Not many people have written me consistently this year but these two girls have, and as always, I was delighted to find the envelopes waiting for me. It's a beautiful thing to see how our letters have changed and developed throughout the year as we as people have grown and matured. And something as simple as ink on paper can can give you the temporary sensation of sitting down to a cup of coffee with a friend and catching up on your crazy lives... On the other hand, I can't wait to have those conversations face to face this summer when I'm back home with the ones I love.

Later in the evening, Emma came to Gata to spend the night at our house. Emma lived with this family before I did, so she's no stranger around here. Jaime, Maria, Emma, and I worked in the kitchen making brownies and chocolate covered strawberries while we chatted and enjoyed each other company. My host mom Vicky was out of town for work and as usual my host brother Jaime was at school in Valencia.

At 7:30 Emma went to basketball practice, Jaime went running, and Maria worked on some homework, so I had time to myself to skype my mom and tell her about my week.

Later we all regathered at the dinner table where we stayed for the next two and half hours telling stories, trying to remember state/country capitals (Let's just say our world geography skills are shameful) and talking about how Native Americans own most of the casinos in the U.S.  Jaime is without a doubt one of the most intelligent people I've ever met in my entire life, and I'm learning more about the United States by living in his house than I have by living in New Jersey!!! haha
He said something like "there are random facts that you know, not because they are important or necessary in life, but simply because as a father your supposed to know them". Which is a philosophy that I totally agree with and get much amusement from. 

Let me give you an example.
My friend Julia Viola has this cool wax seal that she puts on every letter that she sends to me.

And when Jaime saw the letter on the table he nonchalantly named the royal French family to which the seal belonged. Is anyone else impressed here??? haha

So after hours of laughter and new knowledge, Vicky came home with their son Jaime and sat down to eat dinner. We all talked until roughly midnight when Emma and I headed off to bed with a smile on our faces, both saying "dude this is the best host family ever".

Emma and I were awake for another two hours talking in my room about things like college, and what we've learned this year, and some funny stories that we have from work experience.

And I fell asleep feeling blessed by the struggles and sacrifices I had to make this year because I like who I'm becoming and these relationships that I've made. And I'm overwhelmed by the fact that there is so much love to be found where ever you go in life despite how terrible this world may seem and the difficulties we face. 

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