Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Third and Final

This past friday marked my seven month anniversary here in Spain and on that day I moved from Denia to a small town called Gata, where I will be living with my third and final host family for the remainder of my school year.

Gata is an extremely tiny little town and our house is on a main road. All of the buildings along this street just look like a long, connected, concrete wall, with random doors on it. One of those random doors opens up to my home, though!

Moving in was a little tough again. I didn't feel completely heart broken or cry the way I did when I had to leave my first host family, but nonetheless, tough. Getting a new family, living in a new home, sleeping in a new bed, and adjusting to a new schedule is always uncomfortable at first for obvious reasons. 

While unpacking my suitcases I took a few breaks to stand by the window and watch the rain fall- to take a deep breath and appreciate things. This journey that I call my "exchange year" will be over in just twelve weeks and I've been so blessed along the way. I've faced challenges within this culture and faced challenges within myself, but it's all changed me for the better, and I'm so grateful for it all. 

My little house in Gata is absolutely beautiful inside and I'm so happy to be living here. Both of my host parents are doctors (one a dermatologist and the other a pulmonologist). They are very intelligent people and their personalities are reflected in the decor of the entire house. Everything is very antique, entire walls are covered in books, and there are clocks everywhere. Most of the furniture is dark stained wood, and like I said before, I just has a very old antique feel to it.

Maria is my younger host sister, and Jaime is my host brother who only comes home sometimes on the weekend because he lives at college.  The two of them have totally opposite personalities. Though in college, Jaime still acts like a young boy and is ALWAYS getting himself into trouble, but he really brings a sense of humor and joy into this more serious family. Maria is easy to get along with and very outspoken (when Jaime isn't speaking over her). But I like each of them very much and can't wait to get to know them more.

Also, here's a little fun fact for you: My host brother is the 4th Jaime in the lineage of men on his father's side of the family. I thought that was pretty cool.

Tomorrow is my last day of spring break and then school starts again which I am so not excited about. Things will be much different now that I live in another town and will have to get a ride back to Gata when my host parents get off work or take the train myself. It'll just be another learning experience though and I'm up for anything!   (:

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