Thursday, March 28, 2013

Time Off

I was planning on posting another blog these past few weeks but I just haven't had the time.

My sister Danica came to visit me for Las Fallas two weeks ago and then I went to London on a trip with my school for 6 days. Spring break has just begun and I'm leaving this afternoon to go to my host families' beach house where there is no wifi. So again, I won't be able to post a blog. 

Next week when we return from the beach I will be packing up to switch host families for the last time. I'm actually leaving Denia and going to live with this family in a nearby town called Gata. I'll be taking the train to and from Denia each day to get to school- so that will surely be an interesting new experience. 

With just three months left, I'm ready to soak up the spanish sun and make the most of my remaining days.

I promise to write as soon as I can, but like I said, a lot is going on right now.

As always thank you for reading and for all of the support you continue to send me from home. 

Can't wait to see you all in a few months!

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