Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Papa Noel?

So the Christmas season is here. You're doing your last minute shopping and thinking "what the heck am I supposed to get for that Pollyanna gift?". Best of luck..
 I really don't feel any holiday spirit while taking a bike ride and sweating in this 70 degree weather. I'll surely be dreaming of a white Christmas this year.
As school finishes up this week, and my friends receive their grades for the first trimester, a holiday break of sixteen full days is almost upon us. TONS of dinners, lunches, and other gatherings with family and friends have all been arranged to keep us fat and happy during this time.

I will be blogging again soon to go into more detail about the traditions and things going within these two weeks of holidays. Right now I need to clean my room, write some letters, and hide this stack of Christmas presents!!!!!
I swear. I will be the worst Santa Claus when I become a mother- it's so hard to have all the presents hidden under my bed and not open them! haha

P.S. Friends at home- I hope you're all surviving the crazy workload that teacher heap on us the week before Christmas. And I pray that they didn't assign to much to do over break too!!!!

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